Forgive me, readers, for I have procrastinated.
I haven't posted in nearly a month now, I'm well aware. Not that any of you even care or read this shitty blog but I made a commitment to posting regularly and I failed yet again, oops. I wish I could say I was busy doing something, but I wasn't.
Anyway, fuck this, who cares if I post or not? I'm posting now so here it is. I've done extensive research for this post, searching for fun facts about horror movies that aren't too common because I want to keep this fresh and original.
I found 5 facts though that I was surprised I had never read or heard about before. And if I haven't heard about them, then you probably haven't either.
(First of all.. Follow the blog by pressing the blue follow button, hehe, it would mean the world.)
1: Samara from 'The Ring' was inspired by the Disney Princess 'Repunzel':
Ehren Krugers the genius screenwriter behind this horror classic also happened to write the third installment in the Scream franchise, which is my favorite. When asked about his inspiration for the main antagonist of the film, the wet, pruney, long haired Samara, Kruger answered saying "Well, the movie is based off the Japanese original of the same name. However, for me personally, When I was writing the character of Samara, especially the human version of her in the flashbacks, I pictured her as having the same essence of a Disney princess, particularly Repunzel."
2: 'Chucky' was going to be A Disney production:

Your favorite childhood nightmare and the reason almost all children are terrified of dolls 'Chucky' or 'Child's Play' was almost sold to Disney. Disney had other plans for the main plot though. Instead of a murderous possessed doll, they wanted Chucky to be a needy toy who got rid of all of the child's other toys... *cough* Woody.
3: Kathy Griffin original pick for the role of 'Pennywise':

The outspoken and controversial comedian and actress was originally cast as the demonic shape shifting, child eating, clown--Pennywise, in the blockbuster 'IT.' the remake of the original by the same name. However the makers of the film had plans to make the 2017 version a more feminist modern version after the news of the first female Colonel Sanders for KFC came out, they wanted a female Pennywise. And who was clown enough to do it? Unfortunately, after the Trump decapitated head scandal, she was fired from the film.
4: Sharknado!
Fun FACT! Sharknado is the best horror film of all time. That's all. I cannot wait for Sharknado 18.
5: Oprah in The Human Centipede:

Shocking, right? Winfrey had a great interest in being a part of the cast of the horror CLASSIC and the ever thought-provoking and touching film--The Human Centipede. In case you're not familiar with the plot, it tells the story of a deranged man who kidnaps a group of individuals and surgically stitches their heads to each other's asses. The casting director, though, felt that Oprah wasn't equipped acting wise to be part of the film, and rejected her participation.
That's all the facts I have for you today. They're all a 100% real and not at all fake. I dug very deep to find them so I hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to press the blue follow button there on the right and leave a comment if you'd like, it would mean the world.