Jan 28, 2019

Come To Brazil!!

Isis if you come to Brazil and try to blow anything up,
I'm coming for you! I'm from Brazil, I'm from RIO. Fuck Isis.
Come to Brazil.

Please come to Brazil.

Hey, please come to Brazil!!!


Sounds familiar? I'm sure it does. No matter who you are, or where you live. Who you stan, or which celebrity Facebook post you've come across, you've seen the undying fan driven phenomenon that is "COME TO BRAZIL!".

For years, a decade even, that social media has existed, "come to Brazil" has been a common phrase to follow every single website where a celebrity or a fan have engaged in. It's almost a safe and comforting feeling, knowing that whatever happens or whatever inconvenience life may throw at you, the "come to Brazil" Brazilians will be there to beg someone to visit their beloved country.

"Come to Brazil." it sounds harmless when you see it, in fact, in sounds loving. However, have you ever thought about it deeper? Have you ever thought about the fact that you never or rarely ever see any other countries other than Brazil inviting celebrities on Facebook to visit? Could it be that "Come to Brazil." is actually darker than it actually sounds?

I got to thinking for the past three weeks that I haven't posted because I just was doing extensive research (not procrastinating posting, totally not) on Brazil and it's countless invitations on Facebook and other social media platforms.

I have come to the definite conclusion that the Internet Brazilians are misleading these celebrities, making them think they are welcome in Brazil, when in fact, they are target to become a part of a sinister plan.

"Why is Brazil doing this?" you may ask.

Because they are being controlled by... ALIENS. That's right. The country of Brazil is controlled by aliens and they plan to abduct all your favorite celebrities.

"Why?" you ask. Well that's a good question. Because...

I'm actually not sure why but like... I'm 100% it's aliens just take my word for this okay? trust me.