Feb 4, 2020

I Died & 'Cats' Was My Personal Hell

Hello, my dear reader. I'm back.
Actually I never left, you just have been missing all my posts and that sounds like a personal problem of yours and not at all a result of my inconsistency problems and commitment issues to my endeavors. Either way, I've missed you greatly.

Let’s catch up!

halloween 2019, I'm sorry I didn't do anything special
on here this year
What happened since my last entry on here is, well, nothing much and too much, all at once. I've managed to conquer my fear of writing things that are deeper than just stories about blood spewing or blog entries about how Oprah was supposed to star in the Human Centipede. That's not a diss to Doltish Horror, though! Absolutely not. I love it here and I'm so proud of my posts, I still get people asking me about where my blog went, which I always answer with "I lost inspiration", which is untrue. Let me confess a sin, my personal life prevented me from being active on here. 

Correction: I let my personal life get the best of me.

Anyway. What else happened?
Well, I've officially been working at a magazine for the past six months. Yes, a real magazine. My name gets printed monthly in an actual, legitimate publication. Wild. I love it there too. eniGma Magazine, in case you want to check it out. It's a dream come true to be writing for a living. It's weird too because I never in my wildest dreams thought it was something plausible. But here I am! See, I haven't been a total bum since I've deserted you.

What else...

Oh yeah, I watched Cats.
she looks like a mosquito
Okay, no I didn't. I tried to, though, and the first twenty minutes terrified the living shit out of me. Me, terrified. I watched all nine Halloween movies in October 2018 but couldn't get through twenty minutes of human beings horribly CGI-ed as cats... and for some reason, cockroaches and rats too!

It got me thinking... If I were to die, would this be my personal hell?

Would this be how my soul would be tormented for all of eternity? Would it be by me actually living in the Cats world, or me watching Cats on a loop forever? For some reason, I can't tell which would be worse.


I'm glad we could catch up, and I'll be back again next week with more. I have so many ideas again, and I cannot wait to execute them. Ever since I died watching Cats, I feel like I've been reborn, and new Ezz gets shit done.

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