Aug 11, 2018

Coming Out...

This blog entry is probably the hardest I'll ever have to write.
My hands are trembling as I type these words to all of you. Never did I ever think that the day would come where I have to write this out, post it and share all this with... everyone I know. It pains me, that we live in a world where everything is so evolved but people like me still fear talking about this and being open about it.

I'm coming out.

It's taken me years, almost two decades to fully accept who I am, and to fully embrace my truly self. Ever since I was a child, I know I wasn't like other boys. I knew something about me was different.

"Come play soccer outside with us" they'd invite me during P.E. but I would always refuse, and choose to stay inside and miss P.E. instead.

Ever since I was a child, I knew that life was not going to be easy for me.
I thought I was the only one. I thought there was no one else like me. Little did I know, there's a whole world out there that I was going to be a part of that would accept me and my passions just as they are.

Before I type the dreadful four words, I'd like to thank everyone who will support me regardless and love me just the way I am. I'd also like to thank everyone who is going to leave me and never want to speak to me again. Losing you is not a loss, it's a win, because now I'll only be supported by people whose love is unconditional.

Anyway, I think I should quit stalling and face the music now... I can't believe I'm about to type these words out but here goes nothing:

I... Am... A... Vampire.

You guys have no idea how relieving that is to finally say out loud, or type out, to everyone I know. I've kept this secret for so long, now I get to come out and live my life freely as a blood sucking, sun hating immortal being.

Truth is, I've always wanted to play soccer with the rest of the boys. The sun was always too bright and I don't glitter like Twilight... this shit BURNS. So I always caved, and never played or went out with anybody in the morning, rendering me friendless.

I have found a group of homos.
Homo Nosferatu Vampris, which is the scientific term for our condition that makes us crave blood. They're wonderful people, I have so much fun with them, chillin', suckin'. The best nights are when we listen to Evanescence and My Chemical Romance. No one understands me like Gerard Way does.

Thank you, again, if you've chosen to remain by my side and ride along on this journey with me. I promise I don't bite. I love you all.


  1. Replies
    1. this is my Vampire coming out story. it’s 2018. people suck blood now. be more open minded

  2. i feel like i kind of doubted it at some, you never hangout in the morning..
