In the beginning of this year my life was taking a tumble, like... it was garbage. And then late March, I was chatting with a friend when I got the dumb and brilliant idea of attempting to start a blog. I kept postponing thee idea, telling myself I wasn't ready to take on such a project. And one day, I just did. I logged on and started my blog. I googled synonyms for the word "stupid" and the word Doltish came up. And so it started... Doltish Horror.
Since then, I've (inconsistently) posted 26 blog entries and garnered about 4200 total page views. It doesn't sound like much, and realistically--it's not.
But the passion I have had for this blog, that just didn't seem to go away, is what I'm most proud of. I've started blogs in the past and the most views I've ever gotten were 12. But for years I knew that I wanted to explore this platform and that I can do something I love on here, and that's exactly what I did.
I'm proud of every single post on here. From the ones that got 500 views to the ones that got just 50. I'm proud of the effort I've put into this dumb fucking blog and I can't wait to keep going.
And I thank you, reader, for clicking on my blog. Whether you skimmed through it or read it thoroughly, loved it or hated it, thank you for taking time out of your day to read. It's more than I
ever imagined I could achieve.
4200 views. *insert 420 blaze it joke here*
I can't wait to see what the next year brings, and I can't wait to see what wild fucking ideas I come up with. I hope next year is better than the rest, for you and I both. Thank you again, to my friends who inspire me and give me random blog ideas when I'm stuck, and thank you to the people that I don't even know who drop a compliment on my twitter about the blog. Thank you, all.
Have a wonderful 2019!
This is so cute!!!! Happy belated new year lmao 💓