Sep 28, 2018

Halloween Plans Announcement (and this is a filler post) *emotional*

Yes, the title of this post is true, I don't have any ideas for this week's blog. Or I do, but I'm too much of a lazy ass to actually write them because one requires leaving the house, which I never do. And the other requires me to think and come up with jokes and be funny which is the point of this blog, but college starts this week so not today, sweetie, not today. So let's chat.

I've always wanted to write a post about how much I actually dislike other people's blogs, but I don't think it fits the theme of my own blog so I'm just going to blog about it now. Yes, I'm going to blog about hating blogs. I hate blogs.

Like I hate them so much that I actually understand why most of my posts peak at a 100 views and thats it. I get why everyone hates me and this piece of shit blog like... I relate. However, I will not hesitate to assume that my blog is probably the best that any of you have ever been on or read. Because lets be real for a second here: most blogs are either fashion or lifestyle based, or both. Some people fucking blog about business... what a snooze fest. I mean some of my friends told me they read my blog while taking a dump (you know who you are, how you doin'?) which to me, that's such a great honor like bathroom time is so intimate and I think that that's when you're at your most calm and relieved state. Happy to give you shitting material, what an honor, truly.

here's a pic of michael myers working at walmart lol
Spooky season starts in 2 days. Halloween, aka the best day of the year, is next month. And this is a horror inspired blog so naturally I have something big planned (not that big I'm still me, so it's lowkey trash but I tried ha ha!)

During the month of October, I will be watching every sequel in the Halloween franchise, since I haven't even seen half of them. Warning: I might fail and just watch the ones that include Jamie Lee Curtis because why else would I even watch all the movies, they suck. But yeah, I will be watching them and then seeing the new Halloween movie when it comes out next month, can't wait. I've had this idea literally since before I even started this blog. I think I based the whole blog theme on this idea and I'm so excited that halloween/October is coming so I can finally do this.

Anyway, this post is very boring and useless but I'm not counting it as a legitimate post. Maybe just a chat or a filler so I keep my weekly streak. No one is going to want to read this so I might as well add *emotional* to the title and finesse everyone. See you people next Saturday after I watch Halloween I (1978).

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