Sep 21, 2018

My Hate Crime Story...

This is a deeply personal blog entry. It's difficult to write about because it's all still fresh and I have not yet processed the incident completely. However, before I begin this week's post, I'd like to thank everyone who has ever clicked on any of my blog links and took the time out of their day to read what I brain-shit on here. My page has hit 2000 views this week and although 1950 of the page-views are mine, it's still a great achievement and I feel very humbled. So thank you for having no life and reading this load of crap, I have a very special and fun blog post coming next week.

Now onto this week's story...

In case you didn't already know, about a month ago, I came out on this blog as a homo... A Homo Nosferatu Vampiris--a vampire. It took a huge deal of courage and overall I've received so much positivity and support that was so unexpected and so overwhelming. However, every rose has it's thorn. This past week, I was involved in something I thought I never would have to go through. A hate crime.

I was walking back home on a Tuesday afternoon, munching on a Todo brownie, minding my own business, admiring the nice weather and the faint breeze. It was cloudy and the sun wasn't shiny so I was free to walk around with no pain or skin agitation from the sun rays. When abruptly I felt something hard hit me in the back. Almost immediately after, and before I could realize what it was, something was thrown at me directly. It was creamy, white and covered my face and clothes. Realization didn't come until I smelt the strong scent of the substance... Garlic.

Someone had thrown a garlic head at my back while someone else emptied a container of garlic sauce all over me and it wasn't the type of white substance I usually liked squirted on me.

My Todo brownie was completely ruined and I didn't have extra money to buy another one. I didn't get a good look at who was responsible for this senseless hate crime. But they were clearly dumb enough to not know that garlic affecting vampires is just a myth.

I just honestly feel so attacked and I debated posting about this because I like to keep this blog positive and happy, but sometimes the reality of life and the world we live in is just too cruel for me to not be raw with you guys. This blog is a safe place for all homos, fairies and all mystical creatures alike.

R.I.P. My Todo Brownie
the first two bites of you tasted 
so good...

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