Jul 8, 2019

A Doltish Poem (for Ghostface)

I can see your eyes rolling,
Yes, I'm back.
I know your instinct is to just keep scrolling,
But, Please, relax!

I haven't posted in a while,
You probably haven't missed me
and you haven't felt a lack.
But, I'm back.
I know I'm not the best,
Not by a mile,
But, I try.
And I'm back.

This is not a poem or a song,
This is a dedication
For the one who once took a hit off a bong.
Like a ghost, 
He lingers.
He's a movie star, 
He's a vicious killer,
He's a She sometimes,
and they all leave a scar.

Johnny Dep- I mean, Billy Loomis
His cloak and white face,
Oh so familiar.
Not prejudicial, though
He doesn't see race,
Anyway, he'll kill ya.
He can be charming,
Or look like a Johnny Depp.
Wait, shit,
This comparison was too real,
quite alarming...

He walks with face,
He kills with  grace,
He stabs in place,
For living,
He leaves no space.
We love him,
We do.

This song and poem,
are for ghost face.
We love you,
We do.
He's back on VH1,
just for 3 days.
Go watch him slash
and chase.

Me and Ghostface, we're both back.

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