Oct 6, 2018

Pedophiles in Halloween (1978)

As promised; I watched Halloween (1978). A horror classic. There's a reason it's a pioneer in the slasher genre... I just can't figure out why.

This wasn't the first time seeing this movie, I think it was my second. However, I did enjoy it more this time than I did the first time. Probably because I was with friends this time and I had someone to crack jokes with as I watched.

The movie starts with (you guessed it)--tits! A main ingredient in the success of any slasher film, a naked girl getting murdered. I didn't mind that very much though, we're used to this trope by now.

There are however, things that I have noticed that must be called out. So I took notes and compiled a list:

1: Michael driving

How the hell did Michael know how to drive? He was in a psychiatric ward for like 15 years after killing his babysitter at the age of 5. So how did someone who hasn't been in a car since he was 5, learn how to drive? Not only that, but how did he learn how to drive like a creepy old dude cruising around looking for a $10 blowjob? 

Want a ride? I'm a killer driver.

2: Children

Yes, the one thing I learned coming out of this film was that I despise children. They were so fucking annoying. I can't count how many times a character was calling out for help and one of these annoying ass children were taking their time to open the door, or so occupied watching T.V. I was really hoping Michael would somehow get to the children and end them. But unfortunately, that didn't happen.

3: Sheriff Brackett is a creepy pedophile

"Trick or treat? Well, I can show you a trick with my treat"
I said what I said...

That's it for the first movie in my Halloween blog series. See you soon for Halloween II (1981).

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