Sep 15, 2018

Using A Ouija Board to Contact A Demon!

Let's agree on one thing: spirits exist.

Whether you like it or not they are very much real. I mean sure the soul leaves the body and goes to heaven or hell to rot for all of eternity. Maybe it's even like that one Stephen King book where there is no heaven and hell, just never ending misery where all our souls, whether good or evil, are tortured by giant ants

Whatever it is you believe in, I believe in a spirit realm. This week, I've decided to contact that spirit realm... because what could go wrong? I accidentally summon a demon or a poltergeist and get haunted and possibly murdered? sounds mild.

I couldn't get my hands on a real Ouija board, so I decided, the hell with capitalism and I made my own board; Google said it would still work.

Here's my handmade board:

I couldn't find a candle so I just used a lighter
I tried drawing a planchette as a design and it ended up looking like testicles, a vagina AND an ass!

Aside from the fact that I used a lighter instead of a candle, a toothpick box lid instead of a planchette and that I forgot to write the letter "L" on my board, I was still hoping it would work. And it did.

I took a seat on the ground in the dark with the only light being from my Bic lighter, which after about a minute started burning my finger. Eventually the lighter died and I just turned on the lights because I was actually kind of scared to contact spirits in the dark and I am not about that extreme white people behavior.

"Hello" I said. To an outsider it would seem like I'm speaking to clear air, in reality I was possibly speaking to the darkest of entities. For about 3 minutes it seemed like it was a failed attempt. Defeat was about to sweep over me when the planchette (the toothpick box lid), started moving. No idea, if it was me subconsciously moving the lid out of desperation or if it was actually moving on it's own, but it moved slowly towards to the first letter... "H" then the next... "E"... then the lid spun in confusion like it was looking for something, then gave up and moved to the third letter... "O"


I probably shouldn't have forgotten to draw the letter "L". Asking questions was the goal of this process, so I asked my first question:

"Who are you?" the blanchette started moving rapidly and spelled out two words, or rather a name.

A-D-O-F  H-I-T-E-R

Extremely confused, I got to wondering who the hell Adof Hiter was. I couldn't end the session so I just had to go along with Adof. "What do you want?" I asked.

The board spelled out K-I then it wondered around a bit more, seemingly confused before giving up and going onto the next word. J-E-W-S

K-I  J-E-W-S?

This whole session was very confusing, none of this made sense. He's Jewish? Before I could ask anymore questions, the planchette started moving wildly around the board repeating the same letters, the same two words. Over and over and over again.

H-E-I  H-I-T-E-R

"Well Hi to you too" I said out loud, that wasn't how you spelled Hi but I assumed he was probably foreign and wasn't the best at English. The planchette wouldn't stop moving and spelling out these two words, it started to creep me out. I decided it was probably best to end the session. So I said "goodbye sis" to Adof Hiter, the jew. I'll probably never know who he is, or what H-E-I  H-I-T-E-R means, but what I know is-

Wait... oh fuck.

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