May 10, 2018

One Man Hide & Seek: Barney The Dinosaur Wants To Kill Me

Hey readers, I'm back!!

synchronized boos from the imaginary audience erupts

I know I haven't posted in a while (not that anyone's waiting) but I've been cooking up a special something for you all. It's been in the making for a while but here it is.

I played One Man Hide & Seek.

In case you are unfamiliar with One Man Hide & Seek, its a paranormal game that you play completely alone, except you hide and a demon doll looks for you. Fun, right? Its a very dangerous game and the instructions are very detailed and you have to follow them exactly as they are given or else you get haunted by a demon for the rest of your life. I don't recommend playing this. But if you're a dumbass like moui and decide you want to anyway... here are the rules.

Nails clipped, bathtub full of warm water and cup of salt water all ready, I realized I haven't chosen a doll to stuff with rice and my finger nail and demonize for this ritual. I didn't think twice before pulling out my three childhood best friends...

B.J, we know what your name stands for now...

Creepy Barney, perverted B.J. or my girl Baby Bop? Who will it be?

Anyway, I went with Barney and I don't know why I didn't realize before hand that a demonic Barney is an awful idea.

I love you, you love me. We ARE best friends, bitch!
I placed the rice stuffed Barney doll in the bathtub of water and went to my hiding spot with my cup of salt water in fear for my life. What the fuck was I thinking?

Thank god I keep a knife in my closet at all times (don't ask), or I'd be fucked. I waited and waited for demon Barney to show signs of existence. I was doubtful that the ritual even worked in the beginning. But then I heard it... I heard him. Singing the lyrics to his beloved song... I hummed along to the song, scared shitless.


I immediately decided to finish the game, I put half of the salt water in my mouth, not swallowing like Google instructed. It's been 48 hours, I'm still in my hiding spot. I swear I can still hear Barney outside, walking around, singing his songs, watching T.V., waiting for me to come out... but no. I WILL NEVER COME OUT.

Yes, I'm still in the closet.


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