Jul 12, 2018

My Psychic Abilities!

Happy Friday the 13th!

First of all, hi. I’ve been on vacation and you’d be deluded out of your mind if you thought for a second that I would interrupt my lonely boring chilling by the beach to type out post for you people to ignore. 

To be honest, I have 0 idea what to post for Friday the 13th, I just knew I had to post something...

So here’s a life update:
completely unplanned but I happened to finish The Shining by Stephen King, today. And now I’m scared Jack Nicholson will pop out in my hotel room with a bottle of whiskey and a mallet. 

In the book/movie Danny—the little kid—has the shine. The shine is a type of special powers that can make you have premonitions and predict the future. And now I’m ready to come out...

I too, have The Shine. 

Yup, that's me!
I’ve kept this a secret for a long time but Stephen King really helped me emrbrace the gifted psychic child I am. Yes, I’m psychic. Yes, sometimes I dream of the future. Like that one time I had a dream that I was watching The Hunger Games and a month later The Hunger Games was on T.V.

Numerous instances like this have passed me before. There’s a lot that I know that you don’t (Hamnah Montana is Miley Cyrus) (The Earth is flat) but I don’t like to rub it in  all you lovely people’s faces. 

I’m getting a vision right now, I see tomorrow... early in the morning. Something is in the sky and it’s round and yellow. So yellow that it burns my eyes to look directly at it. It shines so bright, I wonder what it is... I guess tomorrow we’ll find out.

P.S.: I also predict that Egypt will lose the World Cup.

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