Oct 12, 2018

Halloween II (i want to fucking die)

I realized saying I'm going to watch all Halloween movies this month was a big mistake when I finished the first Halloween movie. I kept my mouth shut, finished it and was funny on here for all 3 of you who read this blog.
Uhm, Michael... Are you pulling a Donald Trump?

After watching Halloween II (1981), I can officially say that I want to fucking die. I realize now that the next movie is somehow about witches? and the one good thing about this franchise--Jamie Lee Curtis--isn't even in the next 4 movies. However, Paul Rudd is... (???)

Not to be too cruel and not give credit where it due, I kind of enjoyed Halloween II. Something about the hospital being empty and large and for some reason lacking in patients was terrifying to me.

I can't think of anything funny that relates to the movie to talk about, aside from cheeky Jimmy choosing to ask out a girl on the night that her best friends were murdered and was terrorized for a whole night by a psychotic killer. Great timing, pal!

So let's talk about Halloween plans, I have my costume ready, but I'll probably end up staying at home alone and watching something (Halloween maybe? ha ha!). It's a lazy costume but I won't spoil it, I guess I'll be posting pictures on my Halloween entry.

I don't have much to say about this movie, but I just wanted to update you all on my Halloween movie progress. I will be continuing with the series and watching Halloween III. Keep in mind, I will have a razor on stand by in case I can't take it and just want to end it all.

R.I.P. Michael Myers

(1957 - 1981)

just kidding, ya'll thought!