Oct 20, 2018

Halloween III: Season of the Buttcheeks!

How often have you thought of John Carpenter's Halloween as being a feminist film?
Probably never, right?

Well this post will force you to see things from a different perspective. Today our analysis focuses on Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982). The film does not include Michael Myers or beloved scream queen and Activia legend Jamie Lee Curtis.

my anaconda don't want none unless-
The film also does not include any female nude scenes. The first of the 3 original trilogy films to not have a naked woman. There were close calls but never actually any explicit female nudity. It does, however, include male nudity.

Most will disregard this and think it means nothing, but I beg to differ. This means A LOT, people. They made Tom Atkins flash his buttcheeks FOR A REASON.

They were delivering the message that they were against female objectification and that 1982 was the year that they were going to go DOWN WITH THE PATRIARCHY, period.

This was also the first of the Halloween movies to not have a final girl, but rather, a final man. The nude Tom Atkins had to save millions of children around the country from getting murdered by evil Halloween masks controlled by a devious mastermind behind computers with lots of robots as minions. Aside from the fact that this movie had no Michael Myers and no witches, and the fact that all the children in America were wearing the same Halloween costume that year, our final man -- SPOILER ALERT -- failed to save everyone and pretty much 80% of America's children died. Yet another hit at the patriarchy. Men just can't save the world like women can. They needed a hero like Jamie Lee Curtis but did they deserve her?

Halloween is officially 11 days away. I have 5 Halloween movies left to blog about. I'll have to post a day in and a day out to finish them all. I'm hyped for the new one though. And I've already seen Halloween IV and in a couple of days I will write my analysis on how the franchise is just to point out and document the decrease in cigarette smoking in the united states through the decades. See you in a couple of days!

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