Feb 23, 2019

My Cat is Serial Killer

Hi, so...

So much has happened since we've last talked (last Saturday). First of all I GOT A KITTEN!

omg.. is that a chicken?

My uncle had about five little kittens that needed adoption and I was attempting to play with every single one of them and none of them wanted anything to do with me. Except for this one. This little guy played with me for about five minutes which is more than any other cat ever has and ten minutes later I decided he was mine.

After I took him home, I started looking through the pictures I took of him when we first met and I realized something... he had a bit of black fur on the back of his head that look oddly familiar... too familiar.

And then it clicked... it was a Ghostface Scream mask

he's going to meow-dur you and your family.
If this isn't a match made in heave, then I don't know what would be. Everyone, meet Ghost-Face.

Now, in other news: 

  1. I'M OFFICIALLY dolitshhorror.com!! I bought the domain and everything. 
      2: New page design + new tabs and a well organized archive. A new background image which is taken from the final scene of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Love that.

      3: I have a follow option now. It's fairly easy. just press the blue "follow" button here on the right. You don't really have to but honestly you could do it out of the kindness of your heart, it would mean a lot. And also, if you don't press follow in 5 seconds you'll get 73 years of bad luck and I will personally make sure to hunt you down and kill everyone you love and destroy everything you cherish.

Thank you.

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