Welcome to my first interview, with a completely average human being. I really want this to be a recurring thing and I already have a handful of people to interview in mind. The whole point is getting different perspective of people who are in my life or literally complete strangers on the paranormal topics and their own experience.

Farah immediately agreed to do this when I asked her. This interview was conducted very professionally (over Whatsapp).
When we sat down together, she greeted me with a hug (Farah was on a bus to Cairo) and I could see how excited she was about doing this interview and about her future career and I could feel her radiant positive energy open my heart (I was literally in bed).
Hi, Farah, thank you so much for agreeing to do this amazing, great, wonderful, out of the world interview. I mean you know my blog is probably bigger than Times Magazine.
Times Magazine wishes.
Tell us a bit about yourself and what you do.
Basically, I\m mostly a Twitter personality who does makeup sometimes. I like to bitch about politics and men follow me!! But I’m super intrigued with astrology and the underworld.
Tell us about astrology. How does it work? How do the planets influence how we act?
Your star sign determines how unbearable you are. Like if you're a Gemini or an Aries you're an annoying little shit but if you’re a Virgo like me you or Beyoncé; we're the queens of it all. It’s a lot more than a birthday!
Good thing I’m a Virgo! Gemini’s can choke (I love my Gemini readers though).
That’s truth tea sis!
Do you believe in the paranormal and ghosts?
I think I believe more in paranormal activities than I do in ghosts.
So you basically believe something exists you just don’t think it’s spirits of dead people?
Is there someone in your life you’re convinced is possessed by demons?
Yeah my little sister it’s the only explanation for how she acts. You see she’s a Taurus and Taurus are annoying but this is a special type of annoying definitely possessed.
Possible indeed. What about aliens?
Definitely real. I saw one once, at first I thought it was Selena Gomez because it looked EXACTLY like her. But then it started singing and sounded good and I immediately knew it was not Selena.
Scariest experience of my life.
If Samara from the ring was a social media sensation. Do you think she would be an Instagram baddie or like a daily vlogger or?
Instagram baddie for sure. All that hair!
We would stan forever. would out-follow Selena Gomez is all i’m saying. Moving on from the paranormal, you do make up for pay right? Like people hire you and shit?
I do yes.
What’s your worst experience with a client?
One time I was doing this girl's eye shadow before a rodeo and she stepped on my feet with her fucking cowboy boots... bitch disgusting.
Wow... unbelievable. I can't believe this is the world we live in. final question: are Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus the same person?
Of course not. You'd be silly to think they are.
Mhm, well, I'll agree to disagree. So, Farah, if someone wants to book you for an event or just follow you, where can they find you?
It's @xfarahalyx on Twitter & Instagram.
Thank you so much Farah for this groundbreaking interview. Oprah Winfrey is shaking!
Love you.
And here you have it folks. My first interview with an average human being. I also have a chilling interview with a real ghost that you can find by clicking here. Hope you enjoyed this and hey, maybe I'll interview you next!
interview me i wanna be famous