First of all, if you haven't read my "Earth Is Flat" conspiracy theory post, please click here. It's a vital key to this one.
My favorite group of people, the Caucasian Christian heterosexuals, who just happen to believe and are convinced that planet earth is flat "The Flat Earth Society"... which is not far fetched--I believe it. Turns out, they also whole heartedly believe that Australia is fake.

And I ABSOLUTELY believe it.
Australia is fake. Just think about it: have you ever actually met anyone from Australia? No. We always just see them on the internet flaunting their weird accents and their mythical creatures they call "Kangaroos". A creature with a skin pocket and can apparently box? Pffft... yeah right!
If you or anyone you know claim that they have been to Australia, you are a big fat LIAR. And people who are allegedly from this land they call Australia, they're a hologram; that's why all "Australians" are so pretty; they're manufactured.
The Hemsworth brothers? HOLOGRAMS!
We refuse to let your lies get to us any longer and we simply will not let you slide with your false claims for much longer.
It is only a matter of time before we debunk your lies and the truth WILL rule. Wait and see.
This is joke right? xD